
jessica smartt

Jessica Smartt graduated from Grove City College with a degree in English and religion. After teaching middle school English for six years, she quit her beloved job to stay home and raise her babies. Loving motherhood, but longing for a creative outlet, she started a blog. This little blog was quite entertaining, and loyally read by a vast audience consisting mainly of her mom and mother-in-law. Eventually the blog grew (and grew), and Jessica was introduced to a literary agent, soon after publishing her first two books with Thomas Nelson: Memory-Making Mom and Let Them Be Kids.

Jessica comes from a close (some would say “weirdly close”) family. She and her husband and kids live on twenty acres with her parents and two sisters’ families. This means there is a never-ending circus of kids, chickens, cats, and horses, at least three of whom are probably in some sort of fight. Jessica homeschools her three kids and is the founder of a local homeschool community. She has served in various capacities at her local church over the years, including children’s ministry director and women’s ministry director. Some of her favorite things in life are Jan Karon novels, taking her kids to national parks, fancy restaurants, and anything that’s ever been done to a potato.

Want to reach Jessica?

You can reach Jessica at jessicasmartt (at) gmail.com.